Swapetines Primavera ’24 (X-XI)

Y con el fin de abril, llega el final de esta edición de Swapetines. El pasado 15 (semana 10) daba el pistoletazo de salida el envío de paquetes. Yo tardé un poco, porque al final aunque lo tenía todo preparado, me faltó bordarlos hasta el último momento… Y luego no tuve tiempo de ir a correos hasta el miércoles, día que recibí mi propio paquete. Así que vayamos por partes:

Cuando abrí el paquete me quedé sin palabras. Pero según pasaron los días, remiré, y finalmente me probé los calcetines… Conseguí a inicios de la semana escribir un post en Instagram, que creo resume bastante bien todo lo sentido y no voy a repetir, pero aquí os dejo por si lo queréis leer:

Dentro del paquete iban también unos chocolates y unas chuches para la gatita, que esas sí, se abrieron y devoraron el mismo miércoles. En cuanto a los calcetines, ayer los llevé mientras trabajaba desde casa con la vuelta del frío… Y hoy según os escribo, también.

¿Y en cuanto al paquete que yo envié? Pues… Con las prisas no hice una foto a todo su contenido, pero dentro de la caja iba todo lo importante: unos calcetines tejidos (y bordados) con mucho cariño, una postal y unos chocolates de Barcelona. Y como extras… una bolsita cosida a mano, unos marcadores hechos a mano, y otras varias chuches tejeriles compradas en el Love Yarn Madrid y en The Lana Box. Disfruté mucho tejiendo los Vin Socks (diseño de mi amiga Laura de Mimosa Café Lanar) y tejidos con Regia Merino Yak y bordados con DMC Eco Vita: perfectos para tejer sin pensar, que espero le sienten genial a mi sorprendida, y que aunque el bordado no haya quedado perfecto (una, que no tiene experiencia en bordar, pero que salió al paso gracias a los videotutoriales que vienen con el patrón de Laura), a Cristina le hayan gustado.

Ahora me pasa lo de siempre, ahora quiero también unos para mí.

Los calcetines que envié:

Los calcetines que recibí:

Summary of the socks I sent and received on the wonderful secret sock exchange I participated in.


Oh March. How sweet you were. You were being (and ended up being) crazy, but to all the craziness, a new kind of sweet crazy you added. With the arrival of spring, 4 spring babies appeared in our house and swept us off our feet. You see, there was this neighbourhood cat that came to say hi and demand cuddles most mornings and evenings, during the last year. I did not have a liking to cats. I’m extremely allergic to them, and I never was surrounded by them. No-one on my family had house cats, and only a few of our friends. I did not find them friendly, nor was I comfortable around them. But this cat, Cookie we named her, she was another thing altogether. She was sweet and always wanted belly rubs. She was gentle and found calm in our porch. She loved to sit there and come to say hello when we arrived from work. But then March arrived, and we hadn’t see her in a few days. Then on March 20th she appeared, visibly pregnant, constantly meowing, demanding cuddles, not wanting to be alone, clearly uncomfortable. She spent the night at our neighbour’s house but as soon as I was about to leave for work, she came back to ours. Luckily, my husband was home that day, she decided not to leave his side, and proceeded to birth her four kittens in our inside patio. And then and there, when I came home that evening of March 21st, I fell in love. Never would I have imagined myself in this situation, but here we are. She’s a wonderful mom and does everything herself, we just provide her with shelter, food and unlimited cuddles (which she continues to demand intensely, constantly).

March 24th, 3 days old. Mom Cookie and Sal (left) and Socarrat (right).

Since then, all the gallery in my phone is filled with kitten pictures, as one can imagine. But, let’s get back to our usual content.

Food. March was the month of “soaked french toast” (my version of torrijas) and onion soup. I did the latter once for the first time, and then couldn’t stop making it every weekend.

Sewing. After a long hiatus, I found the time to join an online sewing course with my favourite teacher and sewed this crossover blouse.

Knitting. This month I finished knitting the secret sock exchange pair (in which I will embroider a few flowers in each cuff) and the cardigan I was testing for my friend Laura. I will show it to you better soon, because it’s a very complete pattern to be released later in April, including a cardigan, a sweater and a vest version. I haven’t taken it off since I finished it, as it’s the perfect mild weather layer that pairs beautifully with all my wardrobe.

Marzo, de cómo nunca haber querido gatos, me enamoré y acogí (temporalmente) una familia gatuna. De cocinar sopas de cebolla y mi versión de torrijas (a la plancha, y dejadas remojar en leche infusionada con azúcar y canela, en el frigo). De acabar de tejer los Swapetines y una chaqueta que no me quito (patrón que será publicado por Laura (mimosacafelanar) a finales de abril, que incluirá versión chaqueta, jersey y chaleco).